Qimi® chemical scrubber
Established odor and emission control technology utilizing chemicals to isolate and eliminate unwanted compounds in air.
How it works
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1. Foul air entry
Based on our assessment of your facility, BioAir incorporates the Qimi system into existing air collection ducting. Then, the collected air is forced into the bottom of the Qimi reactor where it is dispersed upward through specially-selected media.

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2. Chemical treatment
BioAir selects a chemical mixture formulated specifically to treat the odors or emissions at your facility. This mixture is sprayed down over the media as impacted air is forced upward. The chemicals in the mixture react with offending compounds. The result is newly inert compounds that won’t cause odor complaints or pollution concerns.

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3. Clean air released
After the chemical treatment formula reacts with offending compounds, clean air is released through a vent at the top of the treatment vessel. The chemical mixture together with the offending compounds are drained away through a sump at the bottom of the vessel.

Key advantages
Long-established, proven technology.
Customized formulas for wide treatment range.
Exceptionally clean air released.
No constant replacement of carbon filters.
Easy to operate and maintain.

Popular applications
BioAir’s Qimi chemical scrubber can be utilized almost anywhere. As a process company, BioAir Solutions is focused on recommending and building custom treatment solutions based on specific site challenges. Due to the highly customizable chemical formulas we can create, the Qimi system is well-suited for sites across the spectrum, from food and beverage facilities to oil and gas installations to municipal water and wastewater plants.

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Explore other BioAir products
BioAir Solutions offers many different odor and emission treatment options, each tailored to the unique challenges you face.